Ethan watching TV!

Ethan is not a TV lover LIKE DADDY! or maybe he is still young but according to many of my friends, they said that their child watched TV when they were 5 or 6 months? Hm.... anywayz, we will find out later when he is older, but now he is just not interested! BUT sometimes when the TV shows someone is talking he turned and looked but for awhile only, when is cartoon he turned and looked away not even awhile then i know he is not interested! But last week, he stared at the TV for quite awhile. Hahaha see what's on TV?

I hope Ethan won't be like daddy...daddy basically can't live without TV! Can you believe that when he came home from work during evening shift which is 3pm till 11pm, he will starts watching TV non-stop until 3 or 4 ish am! To him is like a lost if not watchin TV! and he hardly blinks or he blinks too fast haha....When he is watching TV in the room sometimes i tot he fell asleep and i wanna off the TV and he quickly open his big eyes!!

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