What Ethan do at home?

Any idea what Ethan is trying to do in the below pictures? Hm...YA! i think so too...he is trying to ESCAPE!! Oh GOSH!! Isn't that scary? Well, i've asked afew mummies and they said not to worry there's no way he can climb out... *hopefully*

Ethan said, "Finally! OUT the cage!!!" As usual, he will never sit stiillllll..i have to stand around him if i sit then i will have to stand up afew times cos knowing that he will keep crawling around and i have to catch him!

He also like to stock my laptop, he gets very excited when he saw me open my laptop *i donno why* maybe he perasaan knows that mummy is blogging and posting his pictures keke... BUT if he can't get the laptop, he will get pissed off and CRY!

HaHaHa...you cannot touch me you cannot hold me.... So, what's next Mr. Ethan Boy! whose room are you knocking? Oh! it's the kitchen door... OH! he can't play with the laptop thats why looking for aunty Emma, probably sleepy liaw...

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