LAZY MAMA! hahaha i'm back! i actually went no where...was online but busy chatting and surfing but not updating my blog. Ethan went to KB to stay with his popo & kungkung for the weekend, we are going to fetch him tomorrow... my mum is going to Canada again this Thursday and sound like this will be a longer stay because ah mah (grandma) in Canada was hit by a car, and she is 80 yrs old! her back bones and left leg were broken and need at least 6 mths to recover after operation and donno if she can still walk, thats why mum has to go over and take care of her.
Yesterday, uncle Jason & aunty Wendy came to see baby in popo house, baby loves to play with aunty Wendy and kept laughing when playing with her also kept pulling her hair haha, but he frowned when uncle Jas played or carried him hahaha... Actually, i realized baby Ethan is more friendly to females than males, the other day in Soon Lee the salesgirls were playing with him and he kept laughing and when the guy play with him, he just stared at them and frowned!! Also when bringing him to the kedai kaling nearby, the lady with tudong played with him, he laughed cheekily and the kaling played with him, he turned his head and looked at aunty Emma who was carrying him and FROWNED!
I left baby in KB and went to Frats in KB with Sha & Kimmy,and Flee joined us later, was talking to Flee about her wedding on 08/08/08, she is very excited so am I!!! Baby Ethan will turn 1 year old in August! Time flies! I was telling hubby that baby is 7 mths already and it seems like i just gave birth last month.
Baby Ethan's nenek also came from Temburong this morning to see him but too bad he's in KB. Daddy woke up 5mins to 5pm today! OH MY GOD! i was thinking, since baby is in KB we can have our quality time together, going shopping, watch movie, kuala lurah with friends and etc since daddy and i have sunday and monday off, but NO! Daddy's really boring! Yesterday, daddy gets off work around 10am and sleeep , i sent baby and aunty Emma to KB around 11ish. Daddy slept until 8ish pm! then we went Excapade for dinner around 9ish, after that i hinted daddy to pass-by Giant because i wanna see where's the entrance and blah blah blah and he really just passed-by only! i also hinted that they close midnight tonight! We went home and as usual i'm on my laptop and he's watching the square box thingie call TV! His eyes don't blink at all when he watch TV and he really looooooooooooves to watch TV, i guess he feels that he will miss out alot if he blinks hahaha... daddy went to bed around 2am and woke up at 5MINS TO 5PM today! and i was just there finding things to do waiting for him to wake up! really wasted my sunday!
Mum said that she fed Baby Ethan Fish porridge today, it's baby first time taking fish! Was alittle worry cos my plan was to feed baby fish at 9 mths, scare he gets allergy.